Our music touches people in different ways. Some weep with longing and deep understanding. Others can’t stop spinning, dancing, bouncing, and smiling. Still others watch in amazement, unable to process the joy and energy coming from the instruments and the people playing them.
Our directors, Randy McIntosh and Amy Stewart McIntosh, formed Kutandara in 1999 after falling in love with Zimbabwean music and wanting desperately to share their passion for this music with others.
For many years, our directors questioned the purpose of their own interest and passion. They examined the issues of race, culture and heritage. They spoke to many people about this love they felt in their very being for the music that seemed as if it had chosen them! After a time, they stopped questioning why they love a music and culture from so far away and have given in to the joy and peace it brings. They feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to share it with you, your family, and the world!
Welcome | About Us | Who We Are | What We Do | How We Do It